Coming soon

Resilience and Inclusivity in Times of Crisis: Comprehensive Audit of Shift in Workforce Structure


Companies are facing significant workforce disruption as a result of COVID-19. This emergency, as well as being worrying on a global scale, is tough for employers who are having to rapidly restructure how they approach workforce management. But change can bring with it opportunity if we learn quickly from what works and what doesn't.

At Gapsquare, we have designed this consultancy/analytics package to ensure that the current context has minimum negative impact on maintaining incredible talent at a high level of productivity and with inclusive pay practices guaranteed.

Tailored package for each company

- Monitor and continue fair pay practices through data insights into red, orange, yellow areas of potential equal pay risk (from serious concern to mild)
- Planning for large shifts and disruption to workforce, the impact on financial planning (workforce, people off ill, agency staff)
- Data + employee survey access to monitor success of working from home programmes & their impact on productivity
- Recommendations for continued work including possible contingency planning through data
- Access to exclusive content and context based on Gapsquare expertise
- Optional Legal support to be compliant

1 day of exclusive consultancy work from our team of experts and access to crucial insights from the Fairpay® software